The mind,
the internet,
the future

Project management and analytics

UX/UI design and WEB-development

Digital Marketing and Packaging
Customer Reviews
Over ten years of experience working with leading professionals in the field of business.

Atlassian Tools: A Game-Changer for Team Productivity 🚀
I recently had the opportunity to speak at an Atlassian training session, and despite being very familiar with Atlassian tools, I was once again blown away by their power and versatility.

My Year of Transformations: Insights and Plans for 2024
As I reflect on this year, I’ve decided to share my journey of self-improvement and the key lessons I’ve learned.

Punk Rock, IDLES, and Go Hard
In 2022, I heard a style of [rock] that turned my idea of what I thought real rock performance was. It’s about punk rock

10 Facts About Me in 2023
Each of us is unique, and everyone has their own story. In this article, I will share 10 facts that will help you get to know me better – from participating in a school mathematics Olympiad to my passion for electronic music and full-stack development.

My favorite online services 2022
With 1 spring month already behind us, I thought I’d take a look at the 5 apps I’m using a lot more in 2022. ?

Your only limit is YOU
When it comes to both personal and professional growth, the only truly fundamental limits are the ones you place on yourself. Ask yourself: What limits in your life are self-imposed, and what can you do to eliminate them?